lovelearn.jpgAfter teaching for over 10 years I have quite a collection of humorous things my students have said or done. Thought I would share a few of my favorites. All names or other identifying information has been changed to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

#10 From a college history class:

  • New England is famous for its soup.
  • The perchers (sic) perched against satin.

#9 Conversation with a kindergarten student

Student: Teacher, Teacher

Me: What?

Student: Teacher, guess what I’m going to grow a mustache.

Me: Oh Really?

Student: Yes

Me: When are you going to do that?

Student: When I become a minister.

#8 Actual conversation with student needing help with a Bible assignment.

Student: Mrs. Herrod, how do you pronounce H-e-r-o-d?

Me: Same way you pronounce H-e-r-r-o-d.

#7 From a history project:

I visited Fire Station #5, it was the first fire station in our town.

#6 One year I taught a middle school class last period. The students had PE the period before. It took most of the class a while to get changed from PE, however I had one student who always beat the others to class. I decided to find out how he got changed so fast.

Me: You sure change fast.

Student: I have a secret trick that makes it faster.

Me: Oh really?

Student: Yes

Me: So?

Student: I wear my PE uniform under my school uniform. I put it on at night before I go to bed and put my school uniform over it in the morning. It is faster

Me: [Sigh]

#5 In one of my computer classes a student decided to cheat by grabbing another student’s paper off the printer. He scratched out the printed name with a Sharpie and wrote his name on the paper. Then he wanted to know how I knew he cheated. Yep, this generation will eventually be our country’s leaders.

# 4 Conversation during a history class

Student: Have you been to the Alamo?

Me: Yes

Student: You know that mall and hotel in front of the Alamo?

Me: Yes

Student: Did they really fight (battle) there?

Me: Yes

Student: Didn’t the owners of the mall & hotel get mad.

#3 Did you know most 3-hole punches will hold 23 sheets of paper at one time? One day when I had a sub 3 students (all males) decided to find out how many sheets chould be punched at one time. I returned to find a hole punch crammed full of paper on my desk. It seems that it worked for 23 sheets but the 24th was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.

#2 One year my husband had his boys Bible class steal the stuffed animals from my classroom. They also stapled Garfield to the wall. Hid Rightie, the elephant, in various places in the classroom. My girls Bible class decided to retrieve the animals. Isn’t stealing a wonderful value to teach ones Bible class? Hmm…

#1 I had a high school student cleaning my white board. After he finished cleaning the board he noticed the fan was dirty.

Student: Hey you want me to clean the fan?

Teacher: Hang on a second (I was helping another student)

Student: OK, I’m going to clean the fan

Teacher: Turn off ……

Student: [Yelling !!!!]

Yes, he sprayed board cleaner into a moving fan. The scary thing is this kid was old enough to drive. I am amazed that any males live to reach the age of 18.

22 thoughts on “Top 10: Things My Students Have Said or Done

  1. Actually, #1 doesn’t surprise me. A lot of people in my classes can create high level, elegant computer programs. However, they don’t quite understand that when packing dorm items, the bigger box will not fit into the smaller box, no matter how much you try to squish it in…


  2. The first year I taught (English 9-12) one of the writing assignments I gave was to write a new article. One student with very weak English skills turned in a very good article listing names, street address and city. Unfortunately the student chose an article from the Big Spring Herald and the street address was beside my first apartment. He had copied the article from the newspaper–he did deny it. He also bootlegged.


  3. All I know is after watching the current Jeff Foxworthy show, is I am definitely dumber than a fifth grader despite my two years in college. Or then again maybe it is because of my two years in college.


  4. i reamber stablpign garfiled to the wall a lot how abnout some of the other thingsd i did in mm let say the history class why not put some of those up therew LOL Beth nows what ones i m talking about if it is the same beth i wen tot school with LOL i got some liek the computer class with em and a nother studient and us using mm ligthing LOL or us doing someother stuff that made you realy mad i let you tell them some of those


  5. Those are cute and funny. I do have to wonder how the male species makes it to age 18.

    I decided to change my hair color when my youngest son was around 4. He came up to me and said he really liked my painted hair. Could he paint his….. 🙂


  6. I loved this post… and your blog. My favorite kindergarten comment was for show and tell. Bruce came up to the front and said he had something to show and to tell. He stood proudly at the front of the class and said, “I have little red bumps all over my body.” :o) And the chicken pox cleared out 3/4 of my class that week.


  7. i rember doing a lot of it i cant say what ones i did but i now i was involed in most of them in some way shap or from or did it or ask it or what ever


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