Last fall we bought a house. Since Mom is living with us we needed more room. We moved in after Christmas. We have been busy unpacking and all the other “fun” associated with moving. Haven’t really posted anything . So far most of the projects have been the boring stuff like organizing the closets and cabinets. Finally, moved on to less mundane tasks.  This is one I haved completed this week. It is much easier than the other project I’m working one but more on that later.

Still have a few more to put up when I find them. Also plan to make a rectangular shaped painting for the left side to balance out the one on the right.

2 thoughts on “New House and Projects

  1. Your wall is very nice. I like your focus on Christ. In my mind as I look at your wall, I see the words from Joshua 24:15: “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” KJV

    Best wishes on getting unpacked! I hope that Princess Maddie Mae is helping! 🙂


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