Beginning today through Easter I will post a short scripture passage and video each day. Regular blogging will resume after Easter.

The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted:
“Hosanna to the Son of David!”
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Hosanna[c] in the highest!”
Matthew 21:9 (NIV)

Here is Our King written and performed by David Crowder

From wherever spring arrives to heal the ground
From wherever searching comes
(The look itself a trace of what we’re looking for)
So be quiet now…and wait
The ocean is growing
The tide is coming in
Here it is…

Here is our King
Here is our love
Here is our God who’s come
To bring us back to Him
He is the One
He is Jesus

And what was said to the rose
To make it unfold
Was said to me here in my chest
So be quiet now…and rest
The ocean is growing
The tide is coming in
Here it is…


2 thoughts on “Palm Sunday Reflection

  1. LOVE THIS SONG! Singing praises to our King who entered Jerusalem knowing He was facing dying on the cross for our sins. THANK YOU LORD. Marlene


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