The Dee Zone is not connected with Andrew Peterson.

When I post videos I like to include something about the artist or song. I think Andrew’s description of the inspiration for this song is better than anything I might write.

In December of 2009 my wife and I celebrated fifteen years of marriage. A few days later, we got in a silly argument and I wrote this song after she went to bed. Marriage, see, was God’s idea. It’s one of the most potent metaphors in all of Scripture for the way God loves us and the way we’re to let ourselves be loved by him. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. To the contrary, it’s fraught with peril. Any good marriage involves a thousand deaths to self—the good news is, in Christ that marriage involves at least as many resurrections. We lay our lives down and enter this perilous dance with another human being who has done the same. Why should we expect to emerge unscathed? Read the original post.

To leave comments for Andrew please visit his blog.

5 thoughts on “Dancing in the Mine Fields by Andrew Peterson

  1. Andrew, this is an awesome and powerful anthem to those of us who are married or considering marriage! I have been married for 26 years to my lovely bride, Martha, and we can certainly identify with the lyrics of this song. Thank you for allowing God to use your music to impact so many lives! I pray that you and your wife have countless years together and the Lord blesses you both as you dance in the mine fields…


    1. We have started a marriage ministry called MarriageCore in Dallas, TX that promises to revolutionize the way the church ministers to marriages at any stage. We will use this clip to encourage others. Thank God for your talent and the way you are using it for His glory!


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